Seeing with soft eyes: Personal healing for social justice
I had been mad at the world for awhile… Personal reflection on the interconnectedness between my personal wounds related to abuse and injustice and the collective wounds of oppression I’ve fought so hard to defend. New era of learning.
Demystifying emotions: What they are and how I relate to them [video]
As someone who's naturally a "feeler," this is a topic that's near and dear to my heart. I hope this inspires a larger conversation amongst us all. I'd love to hear how you relate to your feelings, what frameworks are of service to you and what you think the evolutionary purpose of emotions and this time of change are.
Our emotions: Portals to deeper healing for our world
Can our emotions be entry points for deeper insight and understanding of the changes going on in the world? Can our emotional experiences be portals for the past, present, and future in a way that shifts things at a more subtle dimension? Prayer, poetry, reflections.
The overwhelm…8 tips for dealing with the world
Here we are. Staring ourselves straight in the eyes. Wondering what’s next… Information overload, collective awakening, emotions as fuel.
Spiritual Resistance to the Desensitization
News stories and information overload that leads to being desensitized. Not allowing the information to land in the body. Reflections on learning to sit in the fire of discomfort and not knowing. To build our capacity for that. Heads up: content may be triggering.
Climate Change: Our Collective Moral Injury
Moral injury is a first-cousin to trauma. How living and participating in a society that doesn’t reflect my values is a moral injury; and as we continue to see the effects of climate injustice that moral injury will grow.
How do our worldviews impact how we practice development?
A reflection on the technical field of international sustainable development. A technical field that values left brain intelligence over right brain intelligence. A call to expand the whole-systems approach to include multiple intelligences.
What’s my relationship with it? Water, war & more
How our worldviews are at the crux of how we relate to the world, including natural resources. A reflection on water scarcity and the war in Yemen.
Requesting your support: Great Transition process
How do we make sense of climate change and systemic collapse? How do we allow that to land in our bodies in order to be more fully present with this moment in time? And how do we trust in the process going on? Because even though I don’t know how to make sense of climate change, I do know from my own healing journey that everything’s here for a reason and we must believe in that potential to actualize it.
Grounding a post-truth era trip
How to deal with our divergent, fragmented notion of truth as a collective? Knowing that we all create our own realities of truth based on our unique algorithm of who we are. I watch myself begin to disappear. I’m brought back by the spiritual. What if I fully trust in the presence of this specific, complex web that is me? That even in the face of adversity that it has a place here, a right to be here and is needed.
Reimagining our Collective Story: Integrating all that we know
Our stories offer us a framework to understand and assess life. They reside in our consciousness, both individually and collectively. At this point in time, our collective story is in transition.
What does it mean to be a mystic?
God, what does it mean to be a mystic? It means trusting yourself and trusting this Flow. It means shedding the old notions while simultaneously standing on their shoulders. A practice of channeling with the Divine Mother.
I bless you, oh dear Pain.
Poetry and prose. Trusting the presence of pain even when I don’t trust my own mind.
Healing Wounds in the Collective Consciousness
Healing the Collective Consciousness Gathering. A Systemic Constellation with representations for Social Wounds, Collective Consciousness, Healing, and Society. New York City.
The Revolving Door of Triggers
Triggers — around the American flag, racial violence, misogyny — are real. And in our current political climate we all seem to be perpetually enflaming each others’. How can we represent our truths while being mindful of each others’ traumas?
Do you hear it? The gasp of a dying era
During a cleanse the body brings built-up toxins to the surface in order to flush them out. How the 2016 election is part of a large process of purging what no longer serves us by bringing what we don’t want to see to the surface.
The Art of Healing: Post-conflict recovery at the community level
How do people heal after a collective trauma as severe as genocide? My time with fellow feeler and healer, Innocent Nkurunziza, Inema Art Center in Kigali, Rwanda. The use of community to heal wounds, the guiding wisdom of one's unique path, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Shifting Power Dynamics through the Sustainable Development Goals
Reflections on the fractal of social power. Connecting the local to the global by looking at power dynamics within Riker’s Island, the world’s largest prison complex, and how that reflects dynamics in our geopolitical arena. The UN’s Sustainable Developments Goals.