Reflections from Community
a space to openly speak about ecological grief in a supportive way
I highly recommend being a part of this space! Liz is a wonderful and compassionate facilitator. I have never encountered a space to openly speak about ecological grief in a supportive way. I left the space feeling so much lighter and comforted that there are so many others who are going through the same thing. This is such a valuable and timely gift. Thank you Liz and everyone who was a part of my circle!
- Cailin N., city planner | Climate Circle
a place to pause.. in such a resonant community
I attended my first Climate Circle last night. Sending deep thanks for the invitation and the space we held, together. It is rare to have a place to pause, to listen to, and then voice our grief, our hope, and our commitments around climate in such a resonant community. And to bear witness to each other's stories as we moved our attention from individual to individual. We supported each other even as we witnessed, signaling our resonance and heart-response in nonverbal ways. In all, this felt like Council practices I have participated with, over the years, a process of honoring our deepest truths, voiced for the good of all. What We Heal For All hosts is a vital and important community supportive service, curating a clearly structured and safe space -- while also holding it open format to be co-created by each group that may show up. May we all continue to show up, strongly, for and with each other in these ways!
- Peter T., ACC | Climate Circle
a diverse group of individuals who all share the same sentiment of world peace
I had a healing experience sitting amongst a diverse group of individuals who all share the same sentiment of world peace. I think the future depends on groups like this one - sitting and discussing uncomfortable conversations, collectively - so that no one feels lost, left behind, forgotten. Thank you to all who sat in discussion last Tuesday and special thanks to Liz for using her gifts to create this space. LOVE TO ALL. May we all feel Free, Loved, Healthy + at Peace.
- Lauren Margaret D., doula & entrepreneur | Community Circle: Coronavirus
the emotions were transmuted
I am SO glad I forayed into your writings today, because they gave me a sense of acceptance of my own imperfection in the activism I am engaged in. I am continually asking, aloud to myself, and shaded in the shadowy edge of what's conscious, "am I doing enough?" What this question is really is, "Am I enough?" To accept today, right here and now, that my activism efforts are imperfectly perfect was, yes, healing for me. I got all that just from reading one of your writings. The one about the Vietnam vet brought tears to my eyes. I cry at a lot of things. Even so, the emotions were transmuted in what I would imagine was the way you intended. ..about our situation with the climate.. you are brilliant for recognizing the roots of this crisis, which are spiritual disconnection and separation from our land, which is our source, it is our origin. The crisis of weather, atmosphere and resources is the symptom. But we are not in a climate crisis really. We are in a spiritual crisis. A spiritual crisis is a crisis of meaning. You understand this. The world needs this influence right now.
- Jane ZK, Extinction Rebellion activist | Writing
guides during a confusing time period
I could not have asked for better guides during such a confusing time period in human history. Liz and Shawna were so supportive in holding space through open discussions and mindful movements. I feel blessed to have been a part of such a great program.
- Ethan L. C., yoga and pilates teacher & Lead Representative at Action Corps NYC | Steadiness within the Change 3-month program
The community I found set the bar for communities that I’ll seek out moving forward
Steadiness Within The Change was a group that provided me with a sustainable community that welcomed and accepted me as I was. I felt supported and celebrated as I shared what was challenging in my life, as well as what was joyful. I was encouraged to be vulnerable and open by the supportive nature of the circle structure, as well as by the other participants who wholeheartedly shared their stories and, in turn, received my own. The community I found in this program set the bar for communities that I’ll seek out moving forward, not only to be a part of, but to cultivate in spaces and relationships I hold.
- Patrick H., yoga teacher & NYC-based actor | Steadiness within the Change
companionship, trust, and partnership increased between my teammates and me
Participating in the Climate Circle was one of the most potent activities of my life! I found myself in a cozy place and felt free to get rid of my fears and anxieties. I was able to be myself, I opened my heart and exposed my vulnerability, certain that I would not be judged by any member of that room. After this activity, companionship, trust, and partnership increased between my teammates and me. It was transformative to participate in this moment of connection, empathy, and surrender!
- Amanda C., mobilizer, Youth Climate Leaders | Climate Circle
get closer to my own understanding of that truth
The caring space to process this experience of deep change on a personal, theoretical, and global/universal/consciousness (whatever you call that!) level. The most beneficial aspect was the discussions - giving space to process out loud and hear feedback helps me chip away at what I think is true and get closer to my own understanding of that truth.
- Elaina W., biologist, environmentalist & yogi | Steadiness within the Change 3-month program
tender way to approach a heady topic
The workshop I was at was a beautifully inclusive, tender way to approach and discuss a heady topic [climate change and the future of our world]—a topic that can all too often feel overwhelming, and without solution. So grateful to all my workshop-mates for sharing such varied, thoughtful comments, and for bringing their full selves into the experience. Especially thankful to Liz Moyer for hosting. I feel uniquely connected to everyone in this workshop, but I don’t know if I would have gotten here without Liz’s gentle, yet methodical presence throughout.
- Michael V., writer & performer | A Purposeful Pathway: Humanity’s Great Transition workshop
absolutely healing
The experience of The We HeAl All Circle was powerful and provided connection. It was absolutely healing. I loved the structure and the space that was created to openly and honestly share our feelings thoughts and emotions. Liz’s presence as the facilitator provide a safe space to be authentic vulnerable and in integrity.
- Reverend G.M. ‘Reverend G’, Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister Coach Comedian | Pandemic Circle
allowed us to come up with our own ideas
I recently took a workshop that was led by Liz of We Heal for All. It was a great workshop about sustainability. Liz really created a welcoming space to discuss and brainstorm ways in which we live a more sustainable lifestyle. She is full of knowledge and information, but really allowed us to brainstorm and come up with our own ideas. She is warm, open, and full of light and love. It is clear that this is her passion and she is incredible at what she does.
- Sarah D., actress & teacher | Our Earth Our Home: Aligning Our Living With Our Values workshop
Part of a process that changed my life
Working with Liz was great. She helped me through a transition that required visioning what's possible as well as meeting reality where it's at. She was part of a process that changed my life path. For anyone looking for a guided initiation and journey, a transformation, Liz is an excellent partner. As the climate shifts and peoples lives are uprooted through disease, famine, and natural disaster, we'll need people to help transform ourselves, to die to the old and give birth to the new. Undoubtedly, Liz will be there.
- Alex S. | One-on-one coaching
helped me work through things I didn’t even know were affecting my life
Liz has been a true life changer for me. During our first meeting I felt an instant bond with her. From that moment until our final call six months later, I never felt her be anything but present, supportive, connected, and kind. She provided me with tools and inspiration that I will carry throughout life and would not have been able to make such life changes without her. Liz helped me work through struggles and heart ache as well as uncovering things I didn’t even know were affecting my day to day life. I could go on forever talking about the wonders of Liz, but what I really can say is that she improved my life and is a true inspiration. I highly recommend working with Liz if you are looking for a shift and not sure how to do it or feeling stuck and want to move to the next level. Thank you Liz for all that you are and all that you gave.
- Brittany H., Mental Health counselor, LCSW | One-on-one Coaching
breath of fresh air in a time that feels stifling
The founder of We Heal for All, Liz Moyer, is a profound leader and healer. Her insights are eloquent and touch my heart every time! Her words are a breath of fresh air in a time that is so complex it feels stifling and staunching. Not only does she have the intelligence and GUMPTION to have obtained an Ivy League, grad degree in international development but she USES her education coupled with wisdom and kindness to bring “user friendly” tools and applications for every type of person to learn, grow and heal in their day-to-day lives. Follow this woman!! And, check out her website to get involved in the fascinating workshops she holds.
- Laura W., Ayurvedic health practitioner & educator
connection and compassion are crucial
As someone deeply concerned about climate change, We Heal for All helped me to process and share my emotions in an open and safe environment. Liz has an incredible ability to create space and build community where individuals feel supported, connected and comfortable sharing their feelings about the uncertainty of our collective future. These discussions serve as a reminder that connection and compassion are crucial elements of the foundation for human prosperity.
- Andy R., Environmental Innovators | A Purposeful Pathway: Humanity’s Great Transition workshop