What does it mean to be a mystic?

What does it mean to be a mystic nowadays? What does it mean to be a host for the Mystery? To shepherd and assist others in their questions about Spirit and the human experience?

God, what does it mean to be a mystic? It means trusting yourself and trusting this Flow. It means shedding the old notions while simultaneously standing on their shoulders.

 I see.. no, no. Rather, I feel my fears. And see them in felt-sense images. Relational senses of how the person feels towards me and what that makes me feel. I see them in waves. They penetrate my heart and vision. I can not look away.

And so I gently, lovingly dance. Stepping forward in Divine Grace. Breathing into your presence, oh fear, oh pattern.

My body jerks. A staccato movement. Abrupt. Almost violent. No, no – violent. Sudden. Jolting through my body like a lightning bolt. Ascending. Moving up my spine and out the top.

I feel new, subtle spaciousness. Particularly around the back of my heart, my upper back.

It’s been happening more and more frequently recently, this jolting of energy. My system knocking at my door for attention.

I rotate my chest and abdomen and energy centers. Rolling out the new energy. Releasing what’s stale and crunchy, integrating what’s mine to hold and have and become.

New messages come rolling in. I’m taken away from my computer into a blissful trance of information. More colors and images and internal sensations come undulating up my spine, up my center body, from my legs to the top of my head. 

I watch myself fend off doubt, fear, shame. All seeking to take me away from this current. My nose twitches and body shakes to reorient me. I will stay focused. On God.

I’ll keep channeling and practicing, Mother. I love You.


Reimagining our Collective Story: Integrating all that we know


I bless you, oh dear Pain.