We are conduits for this time of great transition. Collective healing helps us be those conduits

I wonder if you can relate to this idea?


As change makers and people who care deeply about the world, we’re conduits for this time of great transition. Collective healing is a tool we can use to be those conduits.

Resonate? Let me share what I mean...

When I say ‘great transition’ here, I’m referring to a term from author, activist Duane Elgin to describe this time of unprecedented change we live in. A time when converging forces related to our environment, economy, and social world are all coming together to create a pressure cooker of breakdown and confusion that has the potential to move us towards a more mature, awakened civilization.

If we have tools to work with it.

When I use the word ‘conduits,’ I’m talking about the fact that each one of us is tapped into aspects of this time of change in unique ways. 

Whether you care about the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, or human rights abuses and social justice, or making technology more ethical, or actualizing human potential through consciousness development.


To be of service to any of it requires not only your head and hands, but also your heart and spirit.


Collective healing, in my view, is a tool we can use to help our hearts and spirits with their unique role in this.


The specific way I practice collective healing is through my We Heal For All Circle model. It invites you to practice processing the more subtle dimensions of what you experience with this time of change in order to connect with the innate wisdom held in it.


The emotional

The psychical

The spiritual


This helps us on a personal level with the many normal feelings that come with such big, challenging topics. We can show up to them more well-resourced and whole-heartedly.


It also helps on a collective level.


By doing this work, we process a piece of the larger system that we hold. The piece of the system we are a conduit for. This offers something to the wider, collective field we live in and are constantly co-creating. It gives us a tool to presence and nurture this collective field through our own individual consciousnesses.


On top of all of this, by coming together in community to hold space for what we’re experiencing, we generate collective wisdom that offers us new insights and understandings we can take forward. The community container we build together holds all that arises as we engage in the practice of vulnerability and embodied empathy. We practice allowing ourselves to be channels and conduits for this time of great transition, listening for spiritual and evolutionary wisdom to emerge that can bolster our steps forward.

Fellow conduit, looking for community to nourish yourself and the collective in?

Join me, friends at the Emerging Leaders Project, and co-facilitator Inga Carey for a 4-part Lab series: Collective Healing for the Great Transition. We’ll use healing-centered practices to slow down and hold space for our personal lived experiences around this time of change and how it’s uniquely showing up for each of this.

You won’t want to miss this.

Learn more here and sign up today!

Friday’s Jan 20th - Feb 10th 11am - 12:30pm EST


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