Deep rest within darkness
The topic of burn out keeps popping up in the conversations I’ve been having lately. Or, really, the topic of deep fatigue. A sense of tiredness that moves beyond needing to get a few extra hours of sleep each night towards needing to slow down, stop what I’m doing and lay my bones to rest by a river for a few days (or weeks!).
Yea, amongst my friends and family this conversation is alive. Especially for those of us who are pouring our hearts into beloved projects in our lives. Whether those projects are personal, are about family or are professional, they’re all passion-filled and driven by a deep calling and sense of purpose. Something we know we need to do and therefore we show up to it 112%.
Perhaps you hear your story in this?
So it’s with that that I personally welcome the time of year that I find myself in here in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s our annual season of darkness that invites me into deep rest as the cold gently billows in and tucks the land in for its wintery slumber. As we move towards the Winter Solstice, the waning light takes my hand, whispers in my ear and draws me even closer to the hearth of my inner world.
What an invitation to move inwards! To do like the animals do and burrow deep within the warmth of our own caverns and snuggle up to the stillness these dark days offer. That even though life keeps moving and that holidays and deadlines need to be met, that there’s an ever-present invitation during this time of year to lean into the darkness and allow it to be of service to us in any way we need.
Andrew Hughes
Therefore this month’s theme at We Heal For All honors and celebrates the many invitations that darkness offers. You are welcome to join us in our monthly Circle or online community to explore:
What is this season of darkness offering you?
What do you need in this season of your life that you can offer yourself this month? Maybe even in this moment right now?
How does going inward and connecting with your inner world help or support what you’re doing in the outer world?
This is We Heal For All’s final Circle of the year and will be followed by a two month hiatus (in the spirit of deep rest!). Look out for a new calendar of Circles in February 2022.
Post pic — 📸: Mathieu Bigard
Hi, I’m Liz Moyer Benferhat. Writer, facilitator, coach, and development practitioner dedicated to the subtle interplay between how inner transformation feeds the outer transformation we need in the world. Welcome 🌿