Collective healing for our complex times

Changemakers, helpers & healers:

Support your relationship with our changing world

Come nurture your inner world, in service to the outer world

We Heal For All Circles

Spring Equinox series & drop-in’s with Liz Moyer Benferhat & Shawna Emerick

New book coming in 2025!

Collective Healing for our Complex Times is about figuring out how to have a healthier relationship with a world that's changing fast and in a lot of pain. 

What we're feeling on the ground–in terms of overwhelm, grief, helplessness, and rage–makes sense and is an integral part of society's transformation. We just need the right tools to work with what we feel, which is where collective healing comes in.

Join me in my debut book that connects dots between the individual and the collective—seeing each of us as conduits for systems change; offers up an answer to the ongoing question ‘What the f*ck do we do?’; and invites you to explore the world through a healing-centered lens that sees opportunity in pain.

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Essays & reflections on collective healing

Past clients & partners

Culture change happens through us by Liz Moyer Benferhat

We can use our feelings to co-create these shifts

Read on Substack

Essays on collective healing

How has my collective healing practice changed? by Liz Moyer Benferhat

Reflections on my personal practice's evolution

Read on Substack

What does it mean to be a change maker? by Liz Moyer Benferhat

Shaping cultural waters through the way we choose to swim

Read on Substack

Why is it so hard to engage with certain topics related to the world? by Liz Moyer Benferhat

The energetic dimension of social issues

Read on Substack

What’s here?

  • Courses & meditations

    Digital products for your collective healing work.

  • We Heal For All Circles

    Meditation, storytelling & resonance practice to process changes in the world & in yourself.

  • Events

    Workshops, retreats, and programs

  • Spiritual healing & coaching

    One-on-one support for the transformational times we live in

  • Consulting services

    Inner capacity development for sustainable development. Key notes, lectures, & workshops

 What community members are saying

The crisis of weather, atmosphere and resources is the symptom. But we are not in a climate crisis really. We are in a spiritual crisis. A spiritual crisis is a crisis of meaning. You understand this. The world needs this influence right now.
— Jane Z, author & writer
The community I found in this program set the bar for communities that I’ll seek out moving forward, not only to be a part of, but to cultivate in spaces and relationships I hold.
— Patrick H, yoga teacher & coach
I left the space feeling so much lighter and comforted that there are so many others who are going through the same thing.
— Cailin N, city planner

Guided meditations

  • Gaia meditation & body scan

    Connect your body with the Earth body that you are inherently part of.

  • Are you feeling our world's pain?

    For times when you feel intense emotions and feelings around social, environmental and political issues. Support for grounding, connecting and being present in your heart on behalf of collective healing

  • How are you, right now?

    A guided meditation that invites you to check in with yourself and establish a baseline of how you are right now in this moment before you engage with the world.

  • Listening to the collective within yourself

    What is the world communicating to you? A guided meditation that invites you to turn inward, listen deeply, and allow what you hear to shape you.